Monarke – Deja Vu

    The coveted Steyoyoke imprint welcomes the return of Monarke with his most recent three- track EP, “Deja Vu”. There is NOTHING subtle about this bold and dancy release. Be prepared to groove.

    “Deja vu” is a broad stroke of Monarke’s mastery of his synthesized world. From the overly synthesized, to the organic tribal groove, and finally to the misty and evocative. This EP is an example of range and breadth. Come listen on the other side.

    Artist: Monarke
    Title: Deja Vu
    Label: Steyoyoke
    Cat. No: SYYK177
    Digital Release Date: 04/11/2022

    01. Monarke – Deja Vu (Original Mix)
    02. Monarke – You Sigh (Original Mix)
    03. Monarke – Abuse Of Confidence (Original Mix)

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