“Destiny” marks a collaborative venture between Canadian artist Monarke and Turkish producer Ege Yanik, featuring impactful remixes by Samuel Wallen and Diazar, and released on the esteemed Steyoyoke Black. This single showcases a fusion of distinctive melodic techno elements, bridging two unique cultural soundscapes in an immersive audio experience.
“Destiny” is more than just a musical release; it’s a testament to the global language of techno. It successfully captures the essence of both Monarke’s and Yanik’s artistic visions while offering listeners varied interpretations through the skillful remixes by Wallen and Diazar.
Artist: Monarke & Ege Yanik
Title: Destiny
Label: Steyoyoke Black
Cat. No: SYYKBLK092
Digital Release Date: 12/01/2024
01. Monarke & Ege Yanik – Destiny (Original Mix)
02. Monarke & Ege Yanik – Destiny (Extended Mix)
03. Monarke & Ege Yanik – Destiny (Samuel Wallen Remix)
04. Monarke & Ege Yanik – Destiny (Diazar Remix)