Steyoyoke Black proudly introduces Martín Dubiansky, a promising techno talent from Argentina, to their esteemed imprint with an exceptional 3-track EP titled “Trenety”. This remarkable release features two originals alongside a stunning remix by the talented Spanish producer Ian Ludvig.
With its haunting leads and mesmerizing grooves, this powerful release will transport you into a state of near life animation, keeping you suspended in its captivating aura.
Artist: Martín Dubiansky
Title: Trenety
Label: Steyoyoke Black
Cat. No: SYYKBLK087
Digital Release Date: 25/08/2023
01. Martín Dubiansky – Trenety (Original Mix)
02. Martín Dubiansky – Trenety (Ian Ludvig Remix)
03. Martín Dubiansky – No Choice (Original Mix)