Soul Button & Talul – Chasing Thoughts

    When music magicians come together the inevitable result is magic and that’s exactly what ‘Chasing Thoughts’ brings you.

    Steyoyoke’s latest three track EP comprises of one original and two remixes. It features a collaboration from Talul and label icon Soul Button, with remix duties falling to Tony Casanova and Sasch.

    Artist: Soul Button & Talul
    Title: Chasing Thoughts
    Label: Steyoyoke
    Cat. No: SYYK023
    Artwork: Stella Gelesh
    Digital Release Date: 18/08/2014

    01. Soul Button & Talul – Chasing Thoughts (Original Mix)
    02. Soul Button & Talul – Chasing Thoughts (Tony Casanova Remix)
    03. Soul Button & Talul – Chasing Thoughts (Sasch Remix)

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