Steyoyoke Black Reconstructed by Night Stories

    Presenting the latest addition to the Steyoyoke Black Reconstructed series, we have the Spanish duo Night Stories taking the spotlight this time. In this release, they skillfully re-imagine two iconic tracks from the label’s catalog: “Bóreas” by Binaryh and “Innerverse” by Nick Devon. The resulting EP comprises two remixes that weave a compelling and evocative auditory experience, captivating your attention and resonating with your soul.

    Night Stories showcase remarkable versatility within the confines of just these two tracks, attesting to their prowess. This expertly crafted EP stands as a testament to their skill and creativity, solidifying its status as a remarkable success.

    Artist: Steyoyoke Black Reconstructed by Night Stories
    Title: Night Stories
    Label: Steyoyoke
    Cat. No: SYYKBLK088
    Digital Release Date: 06/10/2023

    01. Binaryh – Bóreas (Night Stories Remix)
    02. Nick Devon – Innerverse (Night Stories Remix)

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